Friday, December 20, 2013

2014 Reading List

  • A Lost Lady - Willa Cather
  • Illiad - Homer
  • Shadows and Images - Meriol Trevor
  • Short Stories - Henry Lawson
  • Homage to Catalonia - George Orwell
  • Anabasis - Xenophon (excerpt)
  • Plutarch Lives
  • The Road - Cormac McCarthy
  • Josef Pieper - Matt Anger
  • Charles Dickens - G.K.Chesterton
  • The Secret Lives of Buildings - Edward Hollis
  • Invisible Cities - Italo Calvino
  • J.B.Powers

Thursday, December 19, 2013


by Richard Sheridan

Discussion Questions:

1. Is there a difference between gossiping and scandal-mongering?

2. What part does motive play? Consider Lady Candor and Lady Sneerwell.

3. Subject matter: fact or fiction? First or second-hand information? Naming names?

4.Consider these professionals and their boundaries: journalists, detectives, doctors, lawyers, confessors.

5. Are men and women equally tempted to scandal-mongering? How do we feel about the men in this play?

6. What part does idleness play in these characters, both men and women?

7. Reputations: who has more to lose?

8. What part does natural curiosity play?

9. Gossip disguised as a prayer request; are we guilty?